Apple to Automate iAd Platform and Dismantle In-House iAd Sales Team [Updated]


apple's iad program has never been responsible large portion of sales, leading apple decide it's time take step platform. according buzzfeed, apple plans end efforts @ advertising sales , cease direct involvement iad. "it's not we're at," inside source told buzzfeed.

accomplish this, apple dismantle iad sales team , turn iad platform on publishers, allowing them directly create , sell advertising content. publishers able keep 100 percent of revenue generated.

in september, apple made first steps towards automating iad iad workbench update added tools allow publishers sell ads in apple news. currently, apple news publishers able sell own ads or have iad sell on behalf, while developers have rely entirely on iad. apple expanding apple news model app store , other platforms, allowing publishers sell directly.

since debut in 2010, apple has failed establish iad successful advertising platform, due pricing. @ launch, iad's minimum buy-in fee at $500,000 , despite several price cuts, apple has struggled advertisers on board. apple made several improvements iad on years , attempted revive platform when itunes radio launched, has never been successful venture company.

end users, impact should minimal. iad platform sticking around , should continue serve many of same in-app ads in same format that's available today.

update 1/15: apple has confirmed plans discontinue iad app network on june 30, 2016 in announcement made developers.

article link: apple automate iad platform , dismantle in-house iad sales team [updated]

so mean developers? use iad in apps...

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