iPhone Music sometimes goes completely static when listening on my car's stereo

i listen music in car, connected car's stereo. it's connected through usb, , acts dock.

though, skip song , sound radio static, , sounds awful. can try going last song played fine, , nothing static. sounds replaced static, coming through car's speakers.

can skip want, unplug , plug phone in want , can restart stereo want, restart music app want way go normal if restart phone, annoying while driving.

it's worth noting happens when phone connected car's stereo, never happens anywhere else. didn't happen before ios 9 upgrade. i'm not using apple music music streaming service either; music on phone, synchronized through itunes. there's nothing wrong audio files. play fine everywhere.

know it's issue new ios 9 update because didn't happen before upgraded, , other people complaining of sound issues, aren't quite mine. perhaps there's kind of incompatibility, between phone , stereo, pioneer stereo. can model number if necessary. couldn't tell how problem appears. if drive every day, happen @ least every other day, it's random when static sounds happen.

if switch auxiliary or phone's speakers when static sound issue occurs, sound fine. when go stereo, sounds awful again.

again, connected through usb, not auxiliary or bluetooth. i'd use auxiliary or bluetooth play music avoid issue, reason doesn't sound (aux) , doesn't keep phone charged, important because phone's battery not in best shape. it's iphone 5, don't know how longer have battery.

has else had issue?

been using 6 plus , 6s plus since june in car using either usb when charging or bluetooth (when in pocket) , not had issues describe. standard sony head unit in 14 plate focus st.

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