Apple Pay Now Works at 45 More U.S. Banks and Credit Unions


apple updated apple pay participating issuers list today 45 additional banks, credit unions , financial institutions supporting contactless payment service in u.s. apple pay has 1045 participating issuers nationwide, including 1043 u.s. banks , credit unions , store card support @ bj's wholesale club , kohl's.

newly added apple pay participating issuers reflected below, although it's worth noting banks, credit unions , financial institutions listed may have had support contactless payments service , being reflected on apple's website.

full list of new apple pay participating issuers:
abnb federal credit union
beneficial bank
central bank & trust co.
central bank of jefferson county
chartway federal credit union
chicopee savings bank
commerce bank of washington
commonwealth bank & trust company
cornerstone community bank
cortrust bank
dow chemical employees' credit union
duke university federal credit union
exchange bank
fannin bank
first electronic bank
first state bank , trust company
guadalupe national bank
heritage grove federal credit union
heritage south community credit union
jackson community federal credit union
kalsee credit union
kitsap bank
lake county educational federal credit union
lakeland bank
lone star state bank of west texas
louisiana federal credit union
mainstreet credit union
monroe bank & trust
mutual credit union
nassau educators federal credit union
new era bank
north carolina press association federal credit union
northwest community bank
option 1 credit union
otero federal credit union
plainscapital bank
richfield bloomington credit union
sanford institution savings
town & country federal credit union
trinity bank
trustone financial federal credit union
tulsa federal credit union
virginia national bank
west-aircomm federal credit union
yakima federal savingsapple pay available @ more 2 million retail locations, support rolling out @ crate & barrel, chick-fil-a, , au bon pain locations in u.s. year. cinnabon, chili's, domino's, kfc , starbucks implementing apple pay support @ u.s. locations starting year.

in november, apple pay launched in australia , canada in partnership american express. apple pay coming american express cardholders in hong kong, singapore , spain year, , iphone-based payments service officially went live in china in partnership interbank network unionpay earlier week.

apple pay gained support bj's wholesale club private label credit cards , 66 new u.s. issuers on december 15, plus another 60 issuers on january 5. apple pay accepted over 1000 u.s. banks , credit unions.

article link: apple pay works @ 45 more u.s. banks , credit unions

i hate credit union.

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