Filevault question?

hi all,

i'm debating doing clean install of el cap tomorrow, , i'm debating turning on filevault. maybe can me these small questions before that:

1: slow down ssd lot? hear people 'not much’ everywhere, but, if talking percentages... know that?

2: have dropbox installed on 2 mac's. files in dropbox change result of turning on filevault? , need turn on filevault on second mac also? systems dropbox in between similar? , files on dropbox servers encrypted well?

3: if backup filevault protected folder of macintosh hd external disc. encrypted on external disc? or need turn on filevault on disc well?

if shed bit of light on i'd very happy,


can't give exact performance numbers of "before" , "after". don't notice lag while running filevault. once running, nothing changes. need give password in boot sequence instead of later when log in. once type in password, aren't going notice difference in how machine behaves. files copy external places not encrypted. time machine backups not encrypted (unless enable in tm prefs).

filevault protecting against case laptop stolen. attacker not going able data without password. if remove drive machine , put drive in machine, can't access data without password.

data protected password is. if use bad password attacker going able guess, data won't protected @ point.

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