MBA13 vs rMB vs rMBP13

i have 2011 mba13 giving ghost, , while wanted wait bit longer, unfortunately need new computer within next couple weeks. use computer browsing internet , watching tv. use work, i'm lawyer need capable of running citrix without many issues , run adobe acrobat smoothly.

love mba , don't think needs smaller or lighter (although wouldn't mind that). go mba now, except don't want go 3-4 years without retina screen, beautiful. know don't need it, things nice. price-wise i'm agnostic since have buy more expensive version of mba 256gb non-negotiable. retina screen tempting, me allay concerns downsides of either rmb or rmbp13 (i'm considering retina alternative if downsides of mb much) discuss below.


-the single port of problem me, @ least when use computer work home. have home office setup monitor , mouse , use laptop second screen. dongle aspect isn't stressful, there dongles allow charge computer , plug in peripherals @ same time? not mention need connect monitor (something non-negotiable me since need size when work) , i'm contemplating switching double monitor setup. never use peripherals outside of context, i'm not worried losing/forgetting dongles, don't want have buy bunch of expensive adapters/clutter desk them either.

-i've heard mixed things keyboard. i've tried , not fan in store , worries me people not hard type on, unpleasant , painful. of course, when switched mba, not fan , when type on old 15 inch mbp feels clunky , horrible.

-as said above, don't need super intense processing power, worry new processor feel step down, late 2011 mba. i'd prefer not spend more money and/or new computer feels slower 4 year old one.

macbook pro

-weight , size. it's not clunky , heavy old mb/mbp , when held in store wasn't terrible, lot heavier , bulkier mba.

-price sort of concern since, unlike mb, base model comes 128gb hd , seems stupid buy computer more expensive solely due things don't want or need pretty screen.

advice appreciated.

afaik, dual screen no-go on current rmb.
hdmi-usb-charger adaptor increases rmbs connectivity.
however, hdmi output 1080 only.
if citrix client on 2011 performs satisfaction, chances perform on 12 rmb.

used mba ebay/cl/whateve , use until 2nd generation of rmbs come out ...
2012 or 2013 mba shouldn't expensive these days.

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