How to completely wipe an Apple fusion drive after partition issues

hey all,

many others decided play disk utility create partition install win 10 on imac 5k late 2014 model. upon going through bootcamp assistant met issues boot device not created ended trying create manually along partition. ended trying create 120 gb partition , taking forever using el capitano's disk utility. twice froze while creating , ended having force quit. can imagine nightmare , had bunch of half created partitions , less spare drive space available. options in disk utility grayed out after booting network recovery. don't use time machine or because frankly don't care keep need on remote server or google drive. now, read lot's of forums tell boot recovery , use terminal erase partitions , seems bit of headache honest. instead of did following start on scratch. if you're windows user , have bootable windows usb stick created following.

reboot mac , hold option key.
select windows usb stick boot device.
when windows install options choose custom.
see partitions on fusion drive , there plenty.
clicked each 1 , deleted them until left ssd , regular drive.
hold power , shut mac down.
power on , hold option + command + r boot network recovery.
after 10 minutes or takes boot, choose disk utility.
click on messed mac partitions have been wiped , give option fix , return drive it's original fusion state.
can exit disk utility , re-install os while still booted recovery mode.

take while install os since it's downloading it. had bootable yosemite disk created in case crap happened saved me hour , half.

that's it, once installed drives before, os installed on ssd portion , rest available 1 partition. hope helps down road.


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