*Strange* iPhone 6 Battery Issues


on 3rd iphone 6 replaced under applecare. first 1 developed antenna problem, second speaker problem, , on #3 (a replacement refurb model obviously).

since day 1 battery life of phone has been atrocious compared other 2 phones despite same usage. i've had phone 4 months now. battery lasts 50% less despite changing mail syncing preferences , changing background app settings (which had not been before). additionally, regularly close apps fully, turn off wifi , bt when not necessary, have screen brightness turned down, etc. the time between unplugging phone in morning , dying 5-6 hours. the actual usage time in period little.

other symptoms include drastic drops in battery levels (i.e. 50% 30% instantly), shutting off on 20% battery life no low battery warning (then indicating needs charge)... after being plugged in coming life instantly 30% battery.

i've been genius bar 3 times issue. each time tell me change settings , see no improvement, things have gotten worse. check battery health , registers @ 93%. have made comments app usage, nothing stands out crazy , percentages relative i'm doing (if app used compass expect pretty high %).

have restored ios 2x. have tried multiple times "battery reset" involving running battery down , leaving off on 10 hours. additionally 'time since last full charge' incorrect.

feel keep getting run around genius bar. assure you, not newb doesn't know how conserve battery life , considering past 2 iphone 6's , 2 iphone 5's i'm pretty sure hardware problem. unfortunately, because apple's diagnostic software says battery @ 93%, believe proves fine.

feel if have done on software end , user resolve this. maybe battery fine, perhaps there other hardware issue occurring thats sucking down battery life.

ideas or suggestions on how handle this? i'm thinking 1 last visit genius bar , acting little more assertive. i'll bring powerbook g4, better yet newton, along ride show i've been customer longer know. honestly, as apple, if not resolved don't see myself buying iphone. have had many issues.

have done restore on phone without restoring backup? (setup new)

turning off setting etc isn't needed. battery carry people through day ease. hell 6plus sees me through 2.

advice wipe phone , set new. sign icloud , let sync contacts photos etc across , install apps fresh. solve issue, if hardware fault apple have picked when tested phone.

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