I grow tired of my Apple Watch But a Small Tweak to WatchOS Would Help...

i'd love see apple put in feature lock touchscreen long press no matter state watch in. unlocked long press. let me explain why...

i've posted in other threads aw not performing me during cold weather running. worked me in warm weather started wearing long sleeves, found out sweaty long sleeves caused swipes put watch in unexpected states. wear garmin , aw when run. if want see time is, raise, jiggle , have tap aw. if want see pace, elapsed time , distance glance @ garmin , long light out know 3 within half second. if it's dark out have find button turn on light on garmin.

there's everyday use. having texts come aw , reply them either canned responses (of i've edited few) or voice siri. weather except when it's slow. watch face of time.

bought new winter coat. it's marmot snowboarding jacket. had patagonia took , got marmot. issue marmot has aggressively small elastic around sleeves. hangs on garmin , can inadvertently start or stop timer. aw finds clueless when tight elastic band passes on it. glance down see calendar, or stock report or weather when wanted see time is.

if watch put in mode ignored unintentional swipes might caused long sleeves or squeezing on crowded subway, wouldn't grow tired of when wearing winter coat , knows, might consider using running again in cold weather.

of course more robust touchscreen didn't mistake many things touches , swipes i'm looking improvement doesn't require me go out , buy newer watch.

i'd dig it, too. i'd happy force press on clock face lock it.

now, fp on clock dial goes straight selecting other dials (which handy, too, switching face totally different functionality). maybe have pop 2 buttons, 1 change face , other lock screen (like lock screen button in workout app).

@ least it's easy go clock face now, since press or 2 of crown it.

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