Backup ext HD using Time Machine


first up, sorry if has been asked before, have searched forum can't find specific answer.

fair bit of photography , run rmbp 128gb storage. keep recent photos on laptop, , move across , store on external hdd (along itunes library). , copy, want up.

have read tm can backup external, , i've done on second hard drive, notice if open tm backup drive attached without media drive attached, tm doesn't appear show media drive thought backed up. assuming if media drive failed, plug in backup drive , copy of media drive via tm.

maybe going wrong? @ first thought copy , paste photos etc on backup drive, thought tm better save updates each time after first backup. maybe copy , pasting files best?

advice appreciated.


if want copy entire contents of 1 external drive external drive, best bet use either carboncopycloner or superduper.

'nough said that!

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