Basic app for viewing own website?

hello everyone,

bought first mac kinda want learn creating ios app myself. , had idea create simple app, viewing own website. problem of course, i've got no programming experience (except html , css, that's totally different). taking on here: i've been looking ability make simple website viewer app, can't seem find useful.

can try , teach me bit how this? shouldn't issue, first 'requirement' have webviewer. without buttons , other functionality. bascially using website webapp that's put on home screen (did website once), of course like... know, native app. , maybe @ least , forward button. :p

first of all, if want learn ios development, have want because takes lot of hard work , time, if you've never worked native software development. there's no way half-ass sadly.

specific technology looking official apple class called wkwebview. it's view can embed in app view webpage. if try you're going fail, need learn basics first before think touching wkwebview. it's not @ complicated there basic concepts have learn first.

recommend getting bitfountain's ios 9 development course, or course once have learned basics using wkwebview pretty easy. might expensive (i don't know they're charging these days on bitfountain, google deals first, got 1 of courses $100 off of website). pay lynda subscription , worth it, have learned such incredible number of skills off of it. if possible, bitfountain course on lynda if can find 1 cheaply. got ios development few years fun, i've loved i've turned full time job.

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