received iphone 6s+ loopy case in mail today. kickstarter backer received case $32 plus $2.99 additional loops. here initial impressions:
back of case smooth touch -- feels nice
case cutouts large , leave more enough room ports, speaker , camera (and possibly dust too...)
volume buttons springy , feel great
case overall thin , adds minimal bulk
compatible 3d edge edge screen protector, ice max, , not push glass
back rubber band 'loop' grippy , springy
loop adds nice sense of security when operating phone one-handed
loop adds 1 finger carrying convenience phone
loop adds luxury of having 'kickstand' prop phone on side when watching videos
the folded loops on inside of case creates small bulge on isn't hugely noticeable make case feel better in hand
adjustments still needed reach home button , top edges of screen (could partly due small hands); middle finger out of loop when reaching top left corner , have sort of 'brace' finger against phone , rubber band reach
lock button offers no feedback , it's difficult feel whether you've pressed button or not
i wish loop tightened more secure feel; current loop leaves lot of room around finger (almost much)
full drop protection questionable due thinness , lack of added corner/edge support
the lip protect screen tiny , not offer protection when phone placed face-down
phone no longer lie flat on surface
loop can sort of stick when phone placed in pocket
website said loops meant last around 180 days; replacements needed?
overall, pretty happy case wish tighten loop isn't loose on finger. time tell whether loop 'stops drop' website claims or if loop novelty. if have questions case, let me know!
review! ordered 1 of these , i'm debating on vs rhinoshield solid suit leather.
know post old have more impressions @ point?
i'm worried phone no longer laying flat. use phone on tables , stands lot these days , i'm starting think might ruin this.
bring concern low front edges of case. isn't drop protection.
feel phone easier use loop though!
p.s. loop adjustable pulling through case more.
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