2015 – 13 inch MacBook Pro vs 15 inch MacBook Pro

hi everyone,

upgrade 2011 15-inch macbook pro brand new, upgraded 2015 macbook pro.

had few questions hoping me out with. musician wants using computer music production / mixing, livestreaming , video-editing.

first, upgraded 13-inch or 15-inch mbp more powerful option?

did research, , 13-inch uses new "broadwell" processors, while 15-inch not. big deal? know 15-inch has better graphics card video editing.

second, should buy now, or wait until next release?

macrumor's buyer's guide says don't buy! right now. i'm bit torn because need new computer right – i'm starting use livestreaming / bigger music production, , current computer on it's edge – don't want new computer (usually wait 5 years between computer purchases) , bummed out if new revolutionary model comes out in few months.




despite 15" having older processor design, far superior in terms of performance in both gpu , cpu. additionally difficult tell when next macbook pro arrive, generation since there rumors of redesign , due intel. there no 45 watts quad core i7 iris pro skylake architecture released , time frame given intel spring 2016 anywhere march-may. if apple redesign, they'll announce in june (wwdc). apple spec refresh in april 2016 may piss people off if announce redesign in wwdc , released formally in fall (depends take out , put in). apparently 13" skylake iris , 21(?) watt cpu out.

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