Find my iMac - NOT!!

an open gripe, apple. 2 weeks ago, imac stolen home. police asked me turn on find iphone feature , hopeful glee, turned on notification , computer lockdown. wait thieves turn on, signal, locks down , call cops! right? nope!! totally wrong. turns out bizarre reason, find imac doesn't work find iphone/ipad. see, other 2 devices, last known location of device, 24 hours ago. imac must on trace it, , guess geniuses (your word, not mine) don't think might useful have same 24 hours of tracing signal on imac?

burglars turned on imac last night @ 1:30am , kinda missed email, homing beacon sure enough locked down , scared crap out of them sent signal can reveal location. rest assured bad guys, , useless imac safe. apple doesn't gather bit of helpful info. now, if bad guys, ever turn thing on again? , if unassuming buyer purchased stolen goods? nope, guess it's towel rack now.

if iphone falls out of pocket, hits ground , goes dead, have last known location 24 hours. imac going misplaced? oops, dropped 30lb imac, must have fallen out of arms , didn't notice? no! reasonable , common scenario stolen. why wouldn't record last known location? not useful technology now, it? thanks, guess home movies of kids gone forever.

ps - tried posting apple's forum, there, programming sophisticated enough not allow it. sigh.

i feel pain , heart goes out you.
colleague had similar experience.
improve feature ton!

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