Time Machine - A Truly Terrible App

i'm using mid-2012 rmbp running el capitan, netgear r6300 router , wd mycloud 2 tb nas backups.

have been unable time machine backup done since day installed el capitan. i've tried, , tried, , got stuck on low level number of bytes backed up.

tried suggestion in wd forums work, system restore of wd settings , set backup disk again. seemed work, , time machine backup proceeding along @ normal pace.

until saw in console:

11/8/15 6:07:56.127 pm com.apple.cts[42] com.apple.revisiond.requeue_chunking: scheduler_evaluate_activity told me run job; however, start time isn't 7200 seconds. ignoring.

then, time machine counted down. 7200 seconds worth, until every last 1 of seconds expired. , gave error log entries along way. if math, comes out neat 120 minutes. or, 2 hours. totally, absolutely wasted time, because of kind of interface bug time machine evidently failed send correct parameter 1 internal routine or another.

2 full hours. wasted.

on top of 7 hours thing has been running already.

on top of 3 hours it's been "cleaning up". still running. , running. , running.

don't know osx internals or time machine internals. know hell of lot computing, , enterprise backup , restore in particular. , i've never seen before.

opinion time machine incredibly poorly implemented app. awful. , yet, before el capitan, worked pretty well. not flawlessly, ok. point usable , effective.

not longer.

apple should ashamed of this. given debacles ios8 , 9, figured el capitan good. but, silly me, why should different other apple software?

apple's quality control not bad. it's awful, point of being embarrassing , frankly unprofessional.

hell has happened apple in recent years?

considering not having these problems, maybe thing is...get help, instead of making speeches, or whining. debacles ios8 , 9? loving 9.

keep trying understand why, when has problem, decide it's universal, , must have problem.

perhaps try different drive? see? there reports of wd drive issues 10.11? meanwhile, there's whole forum's worth of helpful people here. maybe can help...

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