How does the disk partitioner work?

before installed el capitan, partitioned 250gig hard drive to: yosemite: 210gigs, el capitan 40gigs.

installed el capitan on 40 gig drive, dual boot. i'm happy el capitan, , have thoroughly backed yosemite stuff.

want delete yosemite partition, , resize el capitan 1 take full drive, can't life of me figure out.

i'm using disk utility, , erased yosemite partition. click on main hard drive disk, , hit partition button. think @ point, highlight yosemite partition, , click "-" button rid of it. isn't option. figure maybe need resize partition use drag partition option? didn't work either, ended 3 partitions.

thing let me do, click on el captian parition, hit "-" button ... i'm not sure that's want ... seems delete el capitan partition, right?

new disk utility tool confusing. plus, keeps putting pop (telling me disk size) right on little doo-hicky i'm supposed grab resize things. argh

os x doesn't allow delete first partition on disk. (this isn't new in 10.11 el capitan.) can boot recovery partition, erase (not delete) yosemite partition, , clone el capitan partition empty yosemite partition. once you've done that, delete existing 10.11 partition, , expand first partition use entire disk.

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