iMac 5K with r9 m390 for gaming

hi there,

interested in imac 5k software development, graphics design , photo editing, intend use gaming machine aside. not hard core gamer means, , play them when have time. not frame-rate-whore either average 30fps fine me.

wondering how games such gta v, far cry 4, bioshock infinite, alien isolation etc fare on r9 m390 card (with 3.2ghz i5 processor). intend play them on high settings resolution of 1440p, not 5k or anywhere near.

have heard these games playable on m395x card, haven't heard m390 2 versions below (m395 lies in-between). if has anecdotal evidence, great!


ps. sorry if similar thread existed, searched hard.

i have late 2015 5k i7 , m390 card.

you, got setup graphic design , photo editing. upped i7 instead of i5 architectural work (cad renderings cpu intensive). may gaming, slightly.

games certanly playable, , awesome. got few games, newest of dirt rally. play on ultra high settings (ambient occlusion low, blending off , shadows low), 60 fps+ @ 1080 p. setting @ 1440, not 30-35 fps, maybe on medium-low. place notice 1080 vs 1440 in menus dirt.

other game got yet ori , blind forest, plays high on 1440p easily, , looks gorgeous. , limbo, thats fluid , great too...

experience far, playing on "almost high" setting @ 1440p games mentioned possible, if want 50-60 fps steady, won't happen.... maybe on low-medium settings. esp far cry 4. i'm looking @ getting rise of tomb raider when launches, , happy 50-60 fps @ high-ultra on 1080p. balance, fps vs quality. in case, card they're in same category +/- 10-15% differences. if ok low fps , want high resolution, m390, see difference between 1080p , 1440p if results enough ;)

on side... photoshop, illustrator, editing etc, i've found m390 smooth , fine gpu. haven't used 395 or 395x, can't compare.

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