Has anyone switched the brand of phone they use based on opinions from posts in this forum?

curiosity has gotten better of me , wondering if switched apple iphone android/samsung or switched samsung apple iphone based on people on here have posted. curious if appears 50% or more of posts , threads on here have use @ all, or people patting on wonderful choice of phone.

request not see reasons why, or start partisan bickering opinion regarding phone being better , others being worse. in effort keep simple request no response if have not been persuaded change. if found arguments here convincing , have changed type of phone, please respond "yes" , switched , to.

should provide accurate numbers looking @ total number of readers of thread vs responders should have switched. thank for attention.

bring close thread initiated explore question of how persuasive "strong advocates" given phone/manufacturer in swaying forum participants switch platform advocate.

have been infrequent thread starter, moderate thread participant last couple of years, , while not alway right, , not alway politically correct, have @ least garnered near 50% likes posts have made. @ least half readers of posts find small bit of value in thoughts , opinions , hope, humor.

during time i, i'm sure many of have, noted strong zealot posts advocating or denouncing 1 phone or another. becomes heated manner of polite discourse abandoned. given religious zeal , oft times numerous factoids, examples, experiences presented, question came mind. how effective have crusaders been in changing people's minds switch phones.

shear amount of posts, time, energy, religious fervor these missionaries have spent, has born fruit? or talking , fellow missionaries.

can review transpired in less 24 hours. , here conclusions. seek persuade no one, , not require agreement or disagreement. sure comment in case.

1. uncovered no evidence either, has been persuaded switch, or willing admit have switch based on read in forum.
2. it's impossible determine causality this, benign phone use seems stir passion seen in religions.
3. while vast majority of readers respected request no comments. , thank them respect. vocal minority not or not refrain making comments.
4. point noted "c dm" suspected goal demonstrate other stated question. while not hidden goal, times research can reveal effects not anticipated. excerpts; "how , how many people take supposedly simple thread , go off on 1 way or another--basically trying draw conclusion users , treatment of subjects, rather actual posed question." thank c dm lucid observation.
5. close, in 18 hours, on 750 people have viewed thread , not single person responded preaching in forum caused them convert.

undertook own curiosity , education. hypothesis no amount of preaching on forum convert change there phone has been validated satisfaction.

post @ lead , final post thread, thank participating.

so far tally in twelve hours 164 no - not convinced switch. , 0 switchers. far @ least strong opinions 1 way or have not convinced change. let's keep watching results.

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