iPad Pro My Muse

i caught chancellor of exchequer in weak moment , proud owner of space grey 128 gb ipad pro! (the secret happy marriage: have computer budget.)

here's funny bit. have no artistic ability speak of. 40 years ago, took night school class in drawing. class started out drawing basic forms: cylinder, cube, sphere. went on still life, portraiture, landscapes... , still working on cylinder, , cube, , sphere. on last day of class, everyone's magnum opus displayed on wall: vases full of flowers, nudes, raging oceans crashing on rocky shores, , on in corner, embarrassing little monochrome cylinder, cube, , sphere.

while standing in apple store, picked pencil , made swooping line. made couple swooping lines , voilĂ , standing bird. hmmmm...

pencil not available in store. ordered 1 delivered in 4 or 5 weeks. , i've downloaded procreate.

there's joke old guy goes in job interview. "what greatest weakness?" asks interviewer. "honesty," replies man. "i don't think that's weakness," says interviewer. "i don't give damn think," says old guy.

didn't buy ipad pro artist, , i'm not become one. think may try , learn bit, please myself.

congrats on new ipad! luck drawing.

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