iPad Pro 4GB of RAM in the iPad Pro makes for a better Safari experience [Video]

iphone 6s made big difference when browsing web safari when compared previous iphones. can attributed addition of gigabyte of ram in apple’s latest flagship phone, brought total amount 2gb.

ipad pro takes amount of ram found in ios devices step further. features whopping 4gb of ram—double amount found in ipad air 2 , iphone 6s. means ipad pro contains more ram other ios device since platform’s inception.

result? unsurprisingly, when compared next powerful ipad, ipad air 2, ipad pro performs better when comes keeping web pages loaded in memory. hence, browsing web tends smoother , more cohesive experience on ipad pro when compared lesser equipped ipads. watch our video walkthrough , see yourself.

via idownloadblog

i don't why people need keep billion tabs open. maybe that's never got into. @ - open 3 tabs.

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