iPad Pro and MS Office: usability vs on MacBook?

ms office ios slick, , use ipad more macs, turn macs serious ms office work, writing paper in word while simultaneously referring excel data, working on companion powerpoint, , opening multiple pdf references. need make graphics office apps affinity designer. haul old 13" macbook on trips need kind of work while away main imac.

little ipad fine simpler office work. macbook aging, interesting choice between light new macbook versus ipad pro external keyboard. interested in real world experiences ipad pro owners similar needs.

hunch smaller ipad , new macbook suit me better. can't see browsing , doing email in bed big ipad pro. heavier office work need multitasking between several apps, , interfacing mouse, , macbook gives me access file/folder system using finder keep organized , find multiple files during work session. or being dinosaur , ipad pro/ios has advantages don't yet see?

dinosaur? not sure, might one, too.

fatal (for me) limitations of ipp:

- can't run multiple instances of same program, often
- no mouse
- can't run second display (afaik)

there others haven't thought of. ipp still tablet, not laptop replacement, needs. others different needs may have different answers.

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