a newbie for Macbook air 11" 2015 needs advices.

hi guys,
owned rmbp 15" , bought air 11" 2015 secondary portable computer.
first impression it's super light , don't have adjust hand memory air 11" keyboard @ , people concern issue of palm rest. me it's perfect! have small hands though.
screen aspect ratio , form factor.

there few things ask though...
screen : videos , photos better expected ( been using retina sometime ) concern issue how make text shaper or improving contrast! need little machine typing research , read.

program or app : know some tip or trick used air 11" in order best out of aspect ratio or may experience , share more appreciated here.

thank guys.. it's first day of using little mac.. can far love it!
i'm downloading el capitan.

have holiday!

i went 15" 2008 mbp 13" 2011 mba 11" mba , happy. don't special "get best out of aspect ratio". not sure you're looking there. put dock on side of screen, have done every type of screen.

needed make text larger in apple mail, default looked tiny on 11" screen. aside that, think use other computer.

calibrated display using regular apple control panel. there color profiles find on internet. tried them , wasn't impressed, people seem them. forum search find threads on this.

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