Stream OSX “Photos" app content to iOS remotely ?

where can ios app uses “local” osx “photos" app content stream local photos in original folder , album structure ios devices remotely?

used use application called blinq let me view , manage photos in original album , folder structure in iphoto on macpro, remotely , free.

there application allow me this?

"photos" app broke blinq, , have not found replacement :(

want stream photos ios devices in original folder , album structure, feels sitting in front of computer @ home in way organized every device.

dont want hassle subscription cloud service takes forever upload manage, , has limitations library size if possible. want in library, if right there, used have.

having local iphotos library in hands wherever streamed, really want find way again in way!

ideas or @ find allow me this?

finding difficult term , phrase how application worked, if can provide clarity, or restate request more please don't hesitate ask clarification.

bad videos, these go on application show how worked, , worked way better these videos describe !


plex this. although still waiting them add support photos libraries. streams regular folders finder fine though (as blinq too, no?). it's likelier plex add support photos libraries sooner blinq (if ever) there not news side in recent year or so.

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