so i'm panning cells in collection view. cells wiggling. i'm using following code re-order cells in dataset. works out. problem have panned cell stops wiggling. noticed happens when pan fast, throwing place. looked on internet. people advise using invalidatelayout(). unfortunately isn't helping. know help? tx.
func panningmediainmediacollectionview(gesture: uipangesturerecognizer) { switch(gesture.state){ case .began: guard let selectedindexpath = self.mediacollectionview.indexpathforitematpoint(gesture.locationinview(self.mediacollectionview)) else {break} self.mediacollectionview.begininteractivemovementforitematindexpath(selectedindexpath) case .changed: self.mediacollectionview.updateinteractivemovementtargetposition(gesture.locationinview(self.mediacollectionview)) case .cancelled: self.mediacollectionview.cancelinteractivemovement() case .ended: self.mediacollectionview.endinteractivemovement() self.mediacollectionview.collectionviewlayout.invalidatelayout() default: self.mediacollectionview.cancelinteractivemovement() } }
it helpful see functions performing animations doing, can post functions? using core animation?
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