Tried 6s Plus for a week...I give up!!!

so bought 6s plus last week, can't used size. phone big , clumsy in hand - trying whip out , use 1 hand requires constant balancing , hand readjustments reach entire screen. end balancing phone on fingers sure fire recipe drops. when need reach upper 25% of screen kinda slide/bounce phone down in hand...then slide/bounce when i'm done. reach-ability thing feels step i'd rather not - , doesn't feel natural on touchscreen thumb wants reach out , touch want without thinking. it's impossible hold phone , use 1 handed while laying down (like in recliner while i'm watching tv). using 1 hand check in car or messing maps annoying!

issue have pulling out plus public event rather personal matter. phone big feel near me can see i'm doing. 6s can sorta cuff in hand secure grip easy-to-one-hand 4 or 4s - it's not bigger feeling me (0.9" taller/0.33" wider/.09" slimmer). 4.7" has natural extension of hand feeling feel essential phone. doesn't feel away me. can't see 6s being hard 1 hand @ least average size woman hand.

, cases? i'm 1 of keep expensive phone in pristine condition - how folks use 6 plus case adds 1/4"+ width? used plus without case, can't imagine how bulky must feel case offers decent protection.

can understand plus being tablet substitute some, don't see happening me. don't have tablet, instead of using plus one, i'd rather on laptop. phone on go/killing time , laptop when want stuff done (like typing post). never used landscape on plus or other phone - granted i'm not gamer.

6s takes enough pictures me , i'm guessing 90% never see difference. can't see difference based on i've seen.

screens same me.

imo, 6s perfect phone if had bigger battery. relative plus, in test i've seen online, 6s , 6s plus separated hour or less. that's not game changing...especially if carry charger in car.

fun 6s+, tomorrow i'm switching out 6s.

btw - i'm no tech geek take easy on me.


each own.

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