Help choosing


i'm teacher , want/need new imac home use. think know answers questions, want input others know more technical side of things.

i'm thinking stock 3.3 ghz i5 27 inch. figure don't need i7 processor - don't gaming or photoshop type stuff, etc. use imovie, ibooks author, iweb (yes, still) , normal safari, photos, office, etc.

can upgrade ram myself 32 gb can. cost should $150 - $200?

no need upgraded video card.

2tb fusion drive big enough. have lot of music, photos, school files. current drive 750 gb , three-fourths full.

typically buy new computer once every 5 or 7 years, want spec-wise last long. i'm using 2012 macbook pro, want larger screen , honesty don't need laptop anymore, use ipad portable type stuff. i'd love air or mac book, too, finances don't allow right now. @ school use 21"imac. since don't allow private computers on network, use thumb drive hold files, bring forth , sync macbook pro using chronosync.

thoughts? suggestions? advice?

thank time!

base 27" 5k 2tb fusion. wouldn't bother upgrading ram straight away, you're never going use 8gb doing do.

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