i have mid-2007 imac running 10.6.8. few weeks ago replaced hard drive. seemed fine first week or started notice taking longer start up. now, last 5 startups in row grey screen (the apple logo never appears) , nothing else. i've waited upwards of 5 minutes happen never does. wind doing hard shut down. when restart again, fine. strange. far i've done run disk utility no issues found. ideas?
i got 2007 repaired exact behavior twice. 1 of times hard drive, second time logic board. run apple diagnostics or check if system ok.
if you've spare twenty minutes or (and inclination) take @ sean penn's rambling account of meeting (then) fugitive mexican drug lord "chapo" guzman. its interesting on number of levels. not quality of sean penn's journalistic work. first observation had there remarkably little actual interviewing going on. penn's limited spanish ("hola" , "adios") played part. guzman made number of statements, claiming turned narcotics because there no other means of earning living. beyond that, nothing groundbreaking. sean penn himself of polarizing figure. guy rose fame jeff spicoli fancies himself of outlaw journalist, without writing chops of hunter s. thompson. prose of intelligent man; stylist ambitions out of reach of abilities. uses word "brume" describe aftereffects of bout of flatulence. pretentious word (i presume) not technically accurate. mentions twice expensive wristwatches sported guzman's so...
will apple ever let set our default browser other safari ? max2 said: ↑ will apple ever let set our default browser other safari ? click expand... going no on one. Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless
i started game 2 weeks ago, knowing nothing , have decided restart i'm feeling more comfortable , thinking trying assassin/stealthed build. how guys playing f4- melee, stealth, sniper, charisma, luck, etc? interesting links, saying game's ai geared head on attacks , ill equipped stealthed players. makes me hesitant try stealthed build. i'd them @ least react me before die. nephew swears melee build. http://www.ibtimes.com/fallout-4-pe...-work-best-different-character-builds-2192331 http://www.vg247.com/2015/11/24/fallout-4-build-guide-infilitrator/ http://arstechnica.co.uk/gaming/201...ut-4-is-like-a-developer-sanctioned-god-mode/ http://www.gosunoob.com/fallout-4/best-starting-stats-builds/ http://www.idigitaltimes.com/fallou...uck-perks-are-more-important-you-think-493379 ---------------------settlement links----------------------- http://www.idigitaltimes.com/fallou...nd-tricks-object-clipping-build-limits-492715 http://ww...
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