iTunes, external HD, missing play counts: dying drive?

my itunes library on external hard drive , started noticing play counts on tracks seem getting reset zero. star ratings don't stick/revert gray stars rather black. however, i've never had playback issues far can tell.

drive not ejected errors when manually putting computer sleep, creeped after upgrading el capitan.

external hard drive 5+ years old , used other, non-mac, things prior couple of years ago. drive connected through external usb hub.

more bug in software/os or signs of dying hard drive?

i'm running:
os x: 10.11.3
itunes version:

you must solve problem. having drive disconnect without unmounting going cause data loss (if has not already). not can ignore.

can try eliminating hub. might try replacing it. might have manually eject drive before let computer sleep. might have buy new drive. regardless, must make problem go away soon.


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