MacBook 5,2 Random shut downs

i have 2009 white macbook i've been using since mid 2014. know it's old, have nice desktop , plenty fast need in laptop. pretty nice upgrade ibook g4.
type of person hit things when they're mad. know it's dumb it. , other day took out frustrations on macbook , threw blows keyboard, above cpu.
of course, didn't come out clean. randomly shuts off. yes, have firmware updates installed. wouldn't on mavericks if didn't. question isn't why happening, know why. replacing logic board worth it? laptop i'm thinking of going used 2009 macbook pro 15' or new macbook (which wouldn't happen, use usb, ethernet, etc time).
don't know if time replace or fix it, again.

i'm on 1.67ghz powerbook g4 15' enough temp laptop, if rid of macbook i'll sata convertor , throw ssd in here speed while i'm in-between laptops.

yes, it's worth it.

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