past few days, i've been attempting install windows 7 home premium 64 bit on mid-2010 21.5" imac little brother using bootcamp assistant. after finding out imac won't allow installation usb, tried dvd way. borrowed blank dvd's (both in format of dvd-r , dvd+r 4.7gb) friend , burnt many windows 7 iso's these discs using these software:
windows 7 usb/dvd tool imgburn disk utility burn
when run bootcamp assistant, make partition , when imac restarts, goes black screen saying "no bootable device - press key continue" , nothing happens after that. can't press key or eject disc, way yo pass shut down imac. i'm pretty sure burnt iso discs correctly, though i'm not sure if did correctly using imgburn (my friend did it, clicked write image disc , burnt @ slowest possible speed).
thought built-in superdrive had problems because whenever inserted disc, eject after 20-30 seconds , if didn't, bootcamp "the installer disc not found". bought external usb optical drive , solves "the installer disc not found" problem. still no bootable device error it's discs. tried boot dvd holding option/alt , selecting dvd same error occurs.
sorry long read, wanted thorough , clear possible because i'm frustrated @ moment. had purchase set of blank dvd-r's because ran out. appreciated, lot!
i don't believe can install windows 7 on machine external optical drive since imac has built in drive. try cleaning imac's optical drive can of compressed air. blow few blasts drive , try again burned copy.
if you've spare twenty minutes or (and inclination) take @ sean penn's rambling account of meeting (then) fugitive mexican drug lord "chapo" guzman. its interesting on number of levels. not quality of sean penn's journalistic work. first observation had there remarkably little actual interviewing going on. penn's limited spanish ("hola" , "adios") played part. guzman made number of statements, claiming turned narcotics because there no other means of earning living. beyond that, nothing groundbreaking. sean penn himself of polarizing figure. guy rose fame jeff spicoli fancies himself of outlaw journalist, without writing chops of hunter s. thompson. prose of intelligent man; stylist ambitions out of reach of abilities. uses word "brume" describe aftereffects of bout of flatulence. pretentious word (i presume) not technically accurate. mentions twice expensive wristwatches sported guzman's so...
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